Complete and Effective Software Solutions
for the Property Management Industry
ontario british columbia bc alberta saskatchewan canada commercial residential

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EFT Canada and Rent Magic Announce Strategic Partnership

Save you up to 50% on your monthly billing/collection charges

At Rent Magic, we have always promoted the principle of using automated withdrawals to accept payment from your tenants. See our article for all the details. We have found that banks have been taking advantage of owners and managers with high processing and collections fees, thus reducing some of the financial benefit of electronic pre-authorized payments over traditional payment methods, such as cheques. Moreover, the thought of having to do manual bank reconciliation, even with reports, has caused many to turn away from this method. And we understand that! We look for ways to make it easier for you to manage your business. If we can save you money in the process, all the better.

Rent Magic is excited to announce that effective immediately, it has entered into a strategic alliance with EFT Canada Inc (TSX-V:EFT), a leader in providing electronic transaction processing services (Electronic Funds Transfer or EFT). EFT Canada Inc. solutions give its clients the ability to electronically debit or credit any bank account in Canada & the United States. Whether collecting your tenants' monthly rents, paying vendors or disbursing payroll to your employees, EFT Canada should be your company of choice.

EFT Canada services are generally up to 50% less costly than any financial institution. In addition, Rent Magic and ManageUDA are completely integrated with EFT Canada, so all payment submissions and withdrawals, reports and confirmations are fully automated and processed through a program you are already familiar with.

Additionally, we have negotiated a special rate for all Rent Magic users when you subscribe to EFT Canada's electronic funds transfer services through Rent Magic.

Sign-up before March 31, 2009, and don't pay the registration fee!

EFT Canada has been the choice of a large number of property management companies that have benefited from reduced pricing, superior management & excellent customer support. Market research has shown that many business owners have switched transaction processing providers due to being turned off by the high prices their financial institutions charge. At EFT Canada, they keep clients forever...just like family.

Some of the benefits of electronic funds transfer with EFT integrated with Rent Magic Software include

  • Lower your monthly billing/collection expense

  • Improve your cash flow by ensuring the collection of payments occur on the due date

  • Worry-free convenience for your vendors, owners or employees with no hassles,since payment is made on time every month

  • User-friendly access to the reports, accounting and confirmations you are familiar with in Rent Magic

  • Less time spent on accounting, banking, and reconciling monthly transactions, as Rent Magic updates your accounts automatically

  • Electronic funds transfer minimizes the risk of fraudulent, lost and stolen cheques

Please contact us directly for more information and a demonstration on how EFT Canada integrated with Rent Magic can help you manage cash flow, collections and payments in a faster, easier, more reliable and cost effective manner.

Explore RentMagic: Tour | Features | Order Now | Contact Us

Company Information: 877-429-9589 | About Us | Login |

ontario british columbia bc alberta saskatchewan canada commercial residential

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